CRCEA80 Organizations and Attendees
参加大会登记于2023-12-03, 17:00结束,请点击以下两个链接查阅:
登记参会者人数:424以州、姓、名排列 | 来自于26个州和121个组织
CRCEA80 is a coalition of civic organizations working together to host a national conference to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of Repealing the Chinese Exclusion Act. CRCEA80’s mission is to advocate and promote equal rights for all Americans through civic participations and educational activities. CRCEA80 will neither engage in any political activity, nor endorse any partisan candidate.
Initiating Committee
Xiaoyan Zhang (张小彦)
Xiaoyan Zhang, Ph.D. is an entrepreneur, social scientist, community activist, and columnist on internet media. He served as the former Chairman of the Board (2018-2020), a current board member of United Chinese Americans (UCA), and an honorary Chairman of the American Chinese United Association (ACUA). He led the effort of drafting the 2018 Chinese American National Convention Manifesto “From Sojourner to Citizen”, the 2019 National Civic Leadership Forum joint statement “A Commitment for Civic Engagement of Asian Americans Pacific Islanders (AAPI)”, and the “Joint Statement on Chinese American Unity” at the 2022 American Chinese Collaboration Summit. Dr. Zhang published many articles in both English and Chinese on Internet and social media advocating active civic engagement by Chinese American and Asian American communities. He received the President’s Volunteer Service Award in 2022.
Lewis Y. Liu (刘迎曦)
After graduating with an MBA from NYU, Lewis had a long successful career more than 22 years as a seasoned executive in global financial services that included international assignments in North America, Western Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Lewis has participated in numerous community services, volunteer activities, poll workers on election days, etc. in the Chinese American community in New York City. Lewis is currently a public affairs specialist at the U.S. Census Bureau responsible for media relations with Asian American communities.
Heping Xu (徐和平)
Heping Xu graduated from the Foreign Language Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1977. He used to be a middle school teacher and a researcher on the tourist economy. In 1980, he started to research Mrs. Pearl S. Buck who was an American woman writer and Nobel Prize Winner of Literature in 1938. Heping Xu wrote and published his first book “Reproduction on Pearl S. Buck” in 2022 in memory of her 130th anniversary. Now he runs his business in the Cross-board eCommerce industry.
Mingtao Jiang (姜铭涛)
Dr. Jiang was trained as a physician in China and obtained his Ph.D. in Physiology from Canada in the 1990s and later became a scientist and professor at UW-Madison and Medical College of Wisconsin. After 20 years of cardiovascular research, he turned himself into a ginseng farmer in 2010 in Wisconsin as the Founder of Marathon Ginseng Gardens. His ginseng farming stories have been covered by CCTV and the New York Times. Dr. Jiang is an advocate for the Chinese American community and supported civic organizations with generous donations. He was the recipient of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award for social responsibility from the Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 2023 and an Outstanding Achievement Award from Chicago Chinese News and Digest in 2018.
Qian Huang (黄倩)
Qian Huang (Cathy Huang) is a retired software engineer and public historian of Chinese Americans.
Wenbin Yuan (原文彬)
Wenbin Yuan, a registered hydrogeologist, started Dakota Intertek Corp. as an environmental engineering and contracting firm from 1994 through 2021. Executive Director of Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce from 2022 to present. Published “Chinese Milwaukee” as a co-author. One of the founders of Milwaukee Chinese Times, Milwaukee Modern Chinese School, SoCAPs, and other civic organizations. Currently managing a grant to promote diverse business assistance through a $1.5m APRA grant to promote diverse ethnic groups of business owners to overcome the pandemic-induced challenges under wisccc.org. He raised two cheering daughters and loves tennis and writing English and Chinese essays.
Xiaofu Si (斯晓夫)
Professor Si is a Professor at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania, USA, and a Distinguished Professor in Entrepreneurship at Zhejiang University, China. He has previously worked at the Chinese Universities of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore, and the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, Canada. He served as Dean, of the School of Management at Shanghai University, China (2008-2010). Dr. Steven Si has published research papers in leading management journals, including the Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Academy of Management Perspective, and Journal of Applied Psychology. He is also serving as an Associate Editor of Technovation (a top-tier entrepreneurship/innovation journal). His research interests include business strategy, innovation, and social entrepreneurship. His latest book: Business, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Toward Poverty Reduction that has been published by Taylor and Francis in 2020.
Zhida Song-James (宋智达)
Dr. Zhida Song-James is a hydrologist, engineer, and writer. She had served leadership roles in multiple nationwide programs in her professional fields and held membership in the Federal government’s cross-agency expert teams for decades. She also served on the United Chinese Americans Board and the Nevada Chinese Association. In recent years she devoted her efforts to advocating and educating Chinese American history and contributions to the Chinese American community and the public, especially in K-12 schools. Her works have been published in a recent book, Historical Record of Chinese Americans.
Co-chair Organizations
Asian American Leadership Council (AALC)
Asian American Leadership Council was established in 2018. It consists of a group of Asian American leaders primarily located in Illinois, who want to lead Asian Americans to be more civic-minded and engaged in mainstream American politics. In the past few years, AALC successfully organized fundraising events for local AAPI political leaders, such as Senator Tammy Duckworth, Congressman Raja Krishnanmoorthi (Indian), Teresa Ma, and Nicole Lee, who was recently elected to the first Chinese American alderman, representing the newly re-districted Asian Majority District surrounding Chicago Chinatown. AALC advocates a full-scale civic and political engagement of Asian American community. Website: www.AsianAmericanLeadership.com
American Chinese United Association (ACUA)
American Chinese United Association is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization. ACUA serves the Chinese American community in pursuing development and prosperity, encourages Chinese immigrants to be more in civic engagement and social contribution, builds a communication platform for overseas Chinese organizations, and supports young Chinese immigrants in political participation.
American Chinese United Association will always be an asset to Chinese Americans in the nation; it brings well-being to all Americans. Website: https://usaacua.org/
Chinese American Alliance (CAA)
Chinese Americans Alliance (CAA) is an organization established by a group of like-minded Chinese Americans who believe in diligence, hardworking, economy, and traditional family values. We strive to promote the core values of traditional families, safeguard the rights to equal protection, and advocate the harmonious integration of all ethnic groups within the United States of America.
Our mission is to promote the conservative values of traditional American families. We aim to safeguard the right to equal protection, with an emphasis on Chinese and Asian American communities. We also strive to foster dialogue and ensure fair opportunities among all Americans. Website: http://caaus.org/
I-Chinese American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)
IAPAC is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting Chinese Americans’ interests in the electoral process. IAPAC encourages Chinese American voters to participate in elections and works to eliminate discrimination against ethnic minorities. It is committed to promoting community unity and supporting the next generation of Chinese Americans in political affairs.
IAPAC’s predecessor, the Indochinese American Political Action Committee was founded in 2000 by Jim Tsai and William Su, IAPAC was created with a vision to assist and educate Chinese Americans in the local and national electoral process. In 2012, with new Chairman Tony Ding at the helm, the board approved the name change to I-Chinese American Political Action Committee.
Over the years, IAPAC has endorsed more than 200 candidates for elected offices. The organization supports candidates with Democratic, Republican, or independent party affiliations, provided that the candidate cares about the rights and interests of Chinese Americans. Each candidate must be interviewed by the board of directors before receiving an endorsement. IAPAC has an impressive success rate, with over 70% of endorsed candidates winning their respective elections.
The members of IAPAC come from all walks of the Chinese American community and all regions of origin. Website: https://www.i-apac.org/
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)
Founded in 2012, Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving individuals with mental health issues and families in the Chinese American community. MHACC offers support, education, and advocacy to individuals in need and performs essential suicidal interventions, which has successfully saved 71 lives over the past 10 years. MHACC has organized over 900 mental health education workshops facilitated by qualified professionals for the Chinese community, providing much-needed information to combat the deep-rooted stigma within the Chinese culture. MHACC also offers free, culturally responsive, and language-inclusive ongoing support groups.
MHACC developed two mobile apps dedicated to mental health, accessible via its website. Over the years, its YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@NAMIChinese has amassed more than 1.5 million views. Additionally, MHACC offers a free, bilingual warmline for crisis support. They have directly helped over 3,000 families with home and hospital visits, and its programs have benefited over 10,000 Chinese Americans. In 2019, the California Legislature Assembly honored MHACC as the Nonprofit of the Year. Website: https://www.mhacc-usa.org
National Council of Chinese Americans (NCCA)
National Council of Chinese Americans (NCCA) is a non-political, non-religion, and non-profit organization with IRS 501c3 status. Its mission is to serve Chinese people living in the United States by protecting their rights, encouraging their social and civil engagement, making contributions to America, and promoting good relationships between the United States and China.
In 2011, NCCA, OCA, CACA, JACL, and C-100 jointly requested a congressional apology for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” of 1882. The senator and congress unanimously passed bills to express their deep regret for the passage of discriminatory laws against the Chinese in America, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. In 2012, NCCA and the University of Maryland jointly published the Report on the Status of Chinese Americans. In 2016, NCCA successfully organized and hosted the Inaugural Conference of Chinese Americans (using UCA as the DBA). NCCA supported numerous nationwide movements for protecting the rights and interests of Chinese Americans with social justice and fairness, including, Dr. Xiafen Chen, Professor Xiaoxing Xi, New York Officer Peter Liang, and Virginia Uncle Jiansheng Chen. NCCA is one of the four organizations that made the Chinese sub-titled version of the PBS landmark docuseries “Asian Americans”. NCCA also co-organized, with APAPA and the Chinese American Union, the first nationwide Virtual Seminar Series for celebrating AAPI month in 2021. Website: http://myncca.org/newsite/
United Chinese Americans (UCA)
United Chinese Americans (UCA) is a nationwide nonprofit and nonpartisan federation and civic movement, inspired and dedicated to enriching and empowering Chinese American communities through civic engagement, political participation, heritage sharing, youth development, and a greater understanding between the people of the United States and China for the well-being of all Americans and this world.
UCA was incorporated and received IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2017. UCA has since grown into a national federation of 12 local chapters and over 30 community partners. UCA has also formed several partnerships with regional and national nonprofit organizations. Website: https://ucausa.org/
Special Sponsors & Conference Administrator
Wisconsin Chinese Chamber Of Commerce
The Wisconsin Chinese Chamber Of Commerce (WCCC) is an IRS recognized non-profit organization with 501 c(3) status. We are comprised of a diverse group of entities who conduct businesses in Wisconsin, from startups to well-established corporations, who have joined the chamber to take advantage of its numerous programs, activities, and community benefits.
The WCCC’s mission is to increase the commercial and cultural exchange between Chinese immigrants & other Americans and to foster a healthy economic environment.
We are dedicated to representing and promoting Wisconsin business interests in the global market, and to facilitate multi-way trade and investment opportunities.
WCCC is an active participant in the Wisconsin business community, we provide support to businesses, networking events, and education to promote growth and create new opportunities.
William & Mary Washington Center
Established in 2001, the William & Mary Washington Center integrates excellent academics and experiential learning to produce high-impact opportunities for all. The Center facilitates meaningful connections and provides a place of belonging for the entire W&M Community. From student events and alumni programming to faculty panels and networking receptions, the Washington Center is W&M’s campus in the city.
Chinese Americans for Equal Rights (CAFER)
Co-Chair Executive Board: Xiaoyan Zhang (Initiator group), Steve Hugh (AALC),
Jacky Xie (ACUA), Chuck Li (CAA), Charley Lu (IAPAC), Elaine Peng (MHACC),
Ji Su (NCCA), Haipei Hsu (UCA)
Initiator Group: Xiaoyan Zhang, Heping Xu, Lewis Yingxi Liu, Qian Huang, Liye Zhu, Zhida Song-James, Mingtao Jiang, Wenbin Yuan, Steve Xiaofu Si
Executive Committee Member: Wenbin Yuan, Ran Yang
Marketing / Promotion Committee: Charley Lu, Elaine Peng, Lewis Yingxi Liu,
Celine Fang, Ziming Wu, David Sun
Program Committee: Ji Su, Steve Hugh, Zhida Song, Qian Huang, Heping Xu, Hong Liu Logistic Committee: Kenny Chen, Haipei Shu, Chuck Li, Mingtao Jiang
Fundraising Committee: Xiaoyan Zhang, Jacky Xie, Wenbin Yuan
Treasurer: Heping Xu
Communication & Spokesperson: Lewis Yingxi Liu
Technical Team
Team Collaborator: Wenbin Yuan.
Content Contributors: Xiaoyan Zhang, Qian Huang, Lewis Y. Liu
Editor-in-Chief: Lewis Y. Liu
Web Design & Video: Celine Fang
Social Media & Ticketing: Ziming Wu
Script Writer: Lewis Y. Liu
Video Producer: Celine Fang
Volunteers: Lewis B. Liu, Laura B. Liu
DC Conf. Team
Executive Director: Kenny Chen
Conference Director: Marcie Wu
General Secretary: Wendy Zhang
Printing: David Liye Zhu
Hongyang Cai, Zhiqiang Zeng, Morgan Yan, Da Biao Li, Angel Zhang, Huaying Li, Michelle Han, Ning Jiang, Xiao Zhang, Sarah Wu, Nixi Duan, Rebecca Jackson, Li Li, Dinny Li, Bo Peng, Joy Hu, Sujuan Fang, Liuyan Li, Yuelian Shen, Chahong Liu, Shengze Hou, Na Zheng, Sheree Tsai, Umei Ji, Zhifu Chen, Qirui Cai, Jianxiong, Qingqing Sun, Ling Zhang, Leila Hermes, Yuntian Xia, Yiyang Zhu, Yi Zeng
Collaborating Organizations as of 12/01/2023

American Center for Asian Students
Organization Rep: Holly Meng
Headquarter: Philadelphia, PA
Asian American Unity Coalition
Organization Rep: SK LO
Headquarter: Minneapolis, MN
C8 APAPA (Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs - Community Education Foundation)
Organization Rep: Mary Yin Liu
Headquarter: Sacramento, CA
Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition Inc.
Organization Rep: Lewis Y. Liu
Headquarters: New York, NY
Foundation for Asian American Visibility
Organization Rep: Brandon Cheng
Headquarter: South Pasadena, CA
Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center
Organization Rep: Dave Jiao
Headquarter: Pittsburgh, PA
South Bay Chinese American Association of California USA
Organization Rep: Amy Wang
Headquarter: California
USTC Women's League
Organization Rep: Hong Zhang
Headquarter: Pittsburgh, PA
Utah Chinese Golden Spike Society
Organization Rep: Bill Jiang
Headquarter: Salt Lake City Utah
CRCEA80 Conference Attendee List as of 11/24/2023
Xiaoyan Zhang, PA
Charley Lu, CA
Qiang Bjornbak, CA
Hong Zhang, PA
Xiaohui He, CA
Lewis Y. Liu, NY
Jian Feng, NY
Kevin Feng, NY
Jun Shen, NY
Liyu Shen, CA
David Sun, CA
Elain Peng, CA
Hong Chen, CA
Johnny Huang, NY
Qing Liao, MA
Heping Xu, CA
Steven Zhu, PA
Jing Fen, PA
Leigh Tong, PA
Na Peng, NJ
Marvin Ma, Singapore
Yang Li, MD
Nelson Li, Maryland
Steven Wong, NY
Denny Chen, NY
Lizhen Yang, CA
Zhi Wang, CA
Brandon Cheng, CA
Wenbin Yuan, WI
Paul H Hsu, CA
Zhengdong Tian, CA
Zhigao Jiang, CA
Zhihuan Liu, CA
Han Zhong, CA
Weihua Zhang, CA
Tammy Chen, CA
William Su, CA
Donna Chem, CA
Julie Munsick, PA
Qiying Zhang, CA
Xiaomin Pang, CA
Henry Huang, CA
Allison Huang, CA
Chun Tan, CA
Carmen Peng, CA
Xiaojin Liu, CA
Lisa Liu, CA
Irene, Wei
Qian Huang, NY
Cynthia Liu, CA
Jing Shi, CA
Andrew Ding, NY
Jacob Harrer, VA
Gail Schnell, MD
Genhe Ding, FL
Pei Tang, PA
Yan Xu, PA
Yunfang Yu, VA
Ziming Wu, WI
Bill Jiang, UT
Yuyang Zhou, PENN
Mang Zhang, CA
Cynthia Liu, CA
Gary Han, PA
Daozheng Li, PA
Dave Jiao, PA
Dave Jiao, PA
Shengli Chi, PA
Guojun Zhu, VA
Liyan Zhang, MD
Jianning Zeng, MD
Tingting Chung, VA
Ran Yang, VA
Ethan Huang, CA
Victor Gau, CA
Guojun Zhu, VA
Cissy Wang, SC
Wendong Wang, VA
Jinling Wang, MA
Sam Chen, NY
Sophia Chen, NY
Lanzhi Wang, MD
Roland Meyer, MD
Xiaojing Wang, WI
Lisa Lau, VA
Ji Su, VA
Baimadajie Angwamg, NY
Phillip Chen, MD
Yi Hao, NY
Yimei Zhang, MA
Li Li, MD
Jiayi Hu, MD
Dinny Li, VA
Shengze Hou, MD
Ruilian Liang, MD
Liuyan Li, MD
Yuelian Shen, MD
Wensheng Zhou, CA
Celine Fang, FL
Wen Zhang, MD
Morgan Yan, MD
Jiahe Huo, VA
Ellen Jin, VA
Anastasia Harouse, PA
Victoria Streeton, PA
Karen Kingsbury, PA
Harriette Lo, NY
Chao Wu, MD
Roxane Hickey, VA
Caty judkins, VA
Allison Huang, CA
Ryan Huang, CA
Henry Huang, CA
Jia Yu, PA
Xiaofeng Ren, PA
Liping Tang, FL
Elise Tsao, VA
Florence Wang, VA
Aakash Vittala, VA
Kara Park, VA
Alex Park, VA
Diana Kim, VA
Jiahe Huo, VA
Chuyin Lam, VA
Andy Shufer, VA
Will Florentino
Linda Zou, CA
Collin Absher, VA
Quentin Phillips, VA
Brenda Hendrickson, PA
Dilpreet Bhinder, DC
Zuhan Wang, FL
Jie Zeng, CA
SB Woo, FL
Jun Kuang, CA
Jennifer Hong, CA
Yun Zhou, NY
Corina Chan, NY
Dao Yin, NY
Elvis Newman, NY
Yuxia Hong, NY
Shengli Li, NY
Jessica Grendel, NY
Fengyu Zhou, NY
Bingxue Zhang, NY
Steven Lu, NY
James Zhang, IL
Aaron Ma, MD
Xia Wu, IL
Yiting Lei, IL
Kaihong Chen, IL
Morgan Yan, AZ
Hong Li, CA
Yangli Chen, CA
Beverly Duan, CA
Hong Liu, IL
Dainan Zhou, CA
Wenbin Lu, PA
Daofeng Yang, PA
Qi Li, PA
Piquan Chen, PA
Zhanyuan Chen, PA
WenQin Zhang, PA
Zhong Ni, PA
Hong Zhu, PA
LiZhen Zhong, PA
Steven Zhu, PA
Yuming Wang, PA
Leo Sun, PA
Sophia Geng, PA
Ziai Zhang, PA
Qiming Liu, PA
Jinzhong Cheb, MD
Peng Yuan, MD
Ester Shi, CA
Victoria Xu, CA
Madeline Hsu, MD
Helen Liu, DC
Kelly Ren, CA
Christine Lai, TN
Xing Han, NJ
Leila Hermes, VA
Zhiqiang Zeng, MD